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Пн.-Пт. – 9:00-18:00

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Пн.-Пт. – 9:00-18:00

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Горелка аргонодуговая EXPERTIG 17 FLEX 4m TSK50 1/4G (AIR 35% 140A DC-100A AC)_Trafimet

Артикул: TA1704F-511-WA3

в наличии

Цену уточняйте у менеджера

94 363 ₸

В наличии: 7

В остатках: 5шт.
New Expertig torch with:
- flexible handling handle;
- spherical joint increases the lifetime of the cable;
- single button, the switch take few seconds to match your welding machine;
- TSK 50 connector with 1/4G connection.
EXPERTIG torches are supplied consumables-free.
See the catalog for all available specifications and kits .
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